Saturday, February 10, 2007

my first post

Yesterday was the Murphy's Law of worship services. While I wasn't entirely prepared for AV problems, I adapted and made it work. I enjoyed my afternoon with Elizabeth and Jimmy before their Florida vacation. I love those kids. I'm glad they're not mine! I'm taking the day off (mostly) since I worked 9 hours yesterday and have a heavy week without Kurt at work.

I can't believe all the people throwing their hat into the political ring. I really can't blame them. My dog could do better than the current people in the White House. I'm finally glad that we've seen the world according to neo-cons and have decided we don't like it! It's too early for me to decide, but I really like John Edwards, in spite of the estate in Chapel Hill.

I don't understand conservative Christians - it seems like Jesus said a lot more about giving than getting. But, these are the same people who believe that "sound doctrine" will save people.

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